Författare: George Orwell
Genre: Dystopia
Betyg: 3/5

Published in 1949, this book portrays a future dystopia, where cameras watch your every step and troublemakers are quickly disposed of. The main character is a middle aged, middle class citizen. His job is to alter 'obsolete information' in newspapers, but he's got the nagging feeling that something must be amiss.

It is a harsh, cruel world that is revealed to the reader. Freedom of speech has not existed for a long time - freedom of thought barely does either. Love between family members is an exception to the rule; friends you do not have; constant war rages. The disturbing thing is that you do understand how they got there, and how easily we could end up with a world just like it. Orwell does a very good job, creating a scaringly credible dystopia.

As many other books, 1984 is divided inte different parts. My rating reflects what I thought about the first parts of the book. The last part was a bit too Clockword Orange for me. (Now, I love A Clockwork Orange, so don't get me wrong. It just felt kind of pointless, reading the same thing all over again.)

Don't feel like going to the library? Here is a link to the book online:

Postat av: Anneli

Kul, då minns jag nog boken fortfarande

2009-03-14 @ 09:39:21

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