StarWars in Swedish

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Author: Neil Strauss
Genre: Non-fiction
Rating: 3 - Jag gillade den

Author Neil Strauss claims his book The Game is the true story of how he, during two years of his life, did everything to become a pro at picking up girls. During these two years Strauss transformed himself - from a nerd no woman would want to kiss, into an assertive alpha male with multiple girlfriends.

The Game handles a fascinating subject. After all, who isn't interested in becoming irresistible to the opposite gender? I liked the structure of the book a lot; the layout feels thought-through and versatile. A nice touch with the quotes.

The actual reading was a traumatizing experience. Women apparently weren't meant to read this book. For every page I turned, I felt myself starting to dislike men more and more. I usually try not to take these things personally, but it is hard to avoid doing so with The Game. It is men against women, period.

Towards the end of the book I was randomly angry, frustrated and depressed, and void of self-esteem. Had I not had a boyfriend to take me down to Earth again I would have joined a monastery, pronto.

To all men (and, I suppose, newly divorced women) I gladly recommend this book.

The Pirate King

Författare: R.A. Salvatore
Genre: Fantasy
Serie: Transitions (nr. 2 av 3)
Betyg: 1/5

Om The Orc King var spännande, nyskapande och bra på alla sätt och vis, så är The Pirate King en förolämpning av läsarens intelligens. What an utter load of crap. Vad hände med orcerna? Vad blev det av förra bokens cliffhanger? Varför ägnades hur många kapitel som helst åt en helt onödig resa till Icewind Dale som inte hade någonting alls med intrigen att göra??? De åkte upp dit, letade efter Wulfgar, hittade inte Wulfgar, trodde att Wulfgar var död, var ledsna, hittade Wulfgar, var glada, åkte hem...

I huvudintrigen var det ett krig och den goda sidan vann.
Nu behöver du aldrig läsa boken.
Lyckligt slut <3

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